The Internet and its growing Web 2.0 are now createing their own post-modern mythologies of world domination, corporate control and government induced fear fetishism. Has the Internet now become a self-fulfilling prophecy of its own destructive speculation?
Tangent_Conspiracy is a discussion featuring the following artists/theoretics:
Alessandro Ludovico
Known for his hacktivist cultural activities and active supporter of ideas and practices that challenge the flatness of capitalism through self-organized cooperation and cultural production.
Florian Cramer
member of the Neoist Cultural Conspiracy. Next to encouraging hacker approaches to information design, he currently researches the subliminal impact of obscenity on the human mind.
tatibrazil aka Maria Claudia de Azevedo Borges
As part of her practice exploring women's issues she trains and designs critical bots using female identity, language and narratives. Her methods are highly unorthodox, using the material of conversation and jargon as a means of information gathering.
Andrea Fiore
The Algorithmic Oracle, is currently a second year student of Media Design at the Piet Zwart Institute. He holds a degree in communication sciences from the University of Rome with a thesis on software as cultural artifact and spends much of his time data mining, profiling, conjuring social software, and exploring digital archives and privacy issues.
Nancy Mauro-Flude's
Her work as a performing artist refers to the history of political cabaret, mesmerism and the experiential worlds carried in their wake.
Hans Bernhard Media Actionist and well known to all visitors of my website...
Tangent_Conspiracy will take place in:
date: 1 Dec 2006
location: Eendrachtsstraat 10, Rotterdam
admission: free with a genetic imprint
TANGENT_CONSPIRACY will also be streamed live via www.v2.nl
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