Freitag, 8. Februar 2008
Comment on Culture Jamming

Zachary Colbert wrote a nice comment on my Documentary "Culture Jamming" in his Blog:

After watching David Schwertgen's culture jamming documentary at Transmediale i was left with a rather romanticized notion of guerilla communication, much as i was a year ago when i discovered Adbusters. However now im well aware that Adbusters is pure hypocrisy and culture jamming is contradictory. It comments on the abuse of semiotics by large corporations, that are then projected onto the public, but it does little to significantly or permanently change the situation. Other than enlighten the everyday citizen to the paradoxical predicament, it really just adds fuel to the iconographic fire. But! Better to raise awareness and acknowledge the issue than ignore it and remain oblivious.

All this talk on the subversion of signs instinctively made me think about our current state of semantic dependent reality. We all live lives saturated by signs, symbols, imagery and metaphors, that together equate a world of reproduced emotions and represented experiences. Is our reality simulated to the extent of the fourth order of simulacra? Are we blind to the Matrix? Have we fallen down Alice's rabbit hole? Are we completely lost in Baudrillard's Hyperreality?!
Thanx, Zachary

And the blog divergeddesigns said:
'Culture Jamming' by David Schwertgen. His documentary showed a variety of different ways he and his peers have produced campaigns in reaction to corporate practice and advertising. Viral games, websites, public installations/information events are some of the ways they have tried to make their voices heard, as they make their comment on how big corporations ruthlessly take over public space, exploit workers, advertise in schools, promote greedy consummerism etc etc. While they realise that their work won't bring down the corporations, it's important that they raise awarness of these issues, for they can change public opinion to some degree; anything that tries to make the average consummer wake the fuck up from to whats going is a good thing.

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Montag, 28. Januar 2008
Culture Jamming Response
Diese Video wurde bei youtube als Response zu dem Teaser für meine Doku gepostet:

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Freitag, 4. Januar 2008
Culture Jamming auf der Transmediale 08

"Culture Jamming - Media Actionism In The 21st Century" läuft am 30.Januar 2008 um 16 Uhr auf der Transmediale 2008 in Berlin.

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