Donnerstag, 1. Februar 2007
Revver - Earn Money With Creative Commons
subliminal_kid, 16:29h

Today i'd like to introduce a better form of YouTube to you.
The website i'm talking about is called Revver and puts every video that you're uploading under Creative Commons License, which means that other users can use your video e.g. for remix or sampling purposes (which they will do anyway), but not for commercial ones. So you won't see a tv-company steal your video (as happened in the past) to make money... In addition you can make money with your video by yourself:Revver attaches a short ad at the end of each video in its network and splits the resulting ad revenue with the creators.
EepyBird, the creators of the Diet Coke and Mentos Experiment, processed their video through Revver and released it into the wild. Within weeks they received over six million views, and more than $35,000 in ad revenue. And so should you do...
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